For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
William Stander, (850) 212-3250,
Florida Police Chiefs Association Announces 2021 Outstanding Officers, Agencies, and Partnerships of the Year
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio Provides Keynote Address
Tallahassee, Fla. – The Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA) announced the 2021 Outstanding Officers and Agencies of the Year, and the Operation / Cooperation and Pillars of Success awards at the FPCA’s 70th Annual Summer Training Conference and Exposition held in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.
FPCA President and Daytona Beach Shores Public Safety Department Director Stephan Dembinsky said, “The accomplishments of the officers, agencies, and citizens recognized this year embody the highest ideals of our profession, and we were honored to have U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, an incredible champion of law enforcement and public safety, further honor these award winners with his keynote address.”
To read the full press release click here: 2022 SC Awards Part 1