For Immediate Release:
Friday, August 19, 2022
William Stander, (850) 212-3250,
Florida Police Chiefs Association Announces 2021 Outstanding Chief Executive, Command Officer of the Year
Tallahassee, Fla. – The Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA) announced the 2021 William B. Berger Outstanding Chief Executive of the Year, the Command Officer of the Year, and the newest addition to the FPCA Wall of Honor at the FPCA’s 70th Annual Summer Training Conference and Exposition held in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.
FPCA President and Fellsmere Police Department Chief Keith Touchberry said, “The chief executive and command officer recognized this year embody the highest ideals of our profession and all that it means to be a public servant. By their dedication, they set an example for all of us, and one that we honor with these awards.”